Wednesday 8 July 2015

Find the Right Class or Guru for learning Yoga/Asanas

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There is an old saying which says “when a student is ready, teacher will appear”. Of course it is completely true. Teacher is a bridge between you and your destiny. They were the people who let you achieve your goal by imparting whatever knowledge required for achieving the goal. Long back, the situation how teachers were treated was different. Especially in India, the teacher is a person who comes next to parents and is considered more important than the spiritual powers. But now, the scenario is different. Earlier, it was the teacher who used to select the student to be taught. Now it is the student who is selects the teacher. However the practice be, Yoga conveying the best knowledge and practice is must. So, students while selecting their teacher must have to be aware that he is the one who can make you master in the art of Yoga.

How to select a Yoga Guru (teacher)?
Well selecting a Guru for learning Yoga is must, but has no pre determined criteria like selecting a candidate for a job. There are some Gurus in Yoga, who are known best for teaching the art to their students. There are some people who take classes with little knowledge they have in Yoga. It differs from person to person. Now it is your duty to search for a best one. The first thing to be noted while selecting a Guru is to have an idea of how much knowledge does the Guru has in the yoga art. It is kind of easy to be understood by looking at how their students practice Yoga or perform it. People who don’t have an idea of analyzing yoga posses and grades can actually go for an enquiry with the students.

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The next thing to be noted is that the duration of the classes. Most of the classes nowadays run between 60 to 90 minutes. This is an average duration of doing Yoga asanas. It is also better to know the number of people in your class. This is because, usually if a class is having more number of students, then the Guru cannot concentrate on every individual. This will have more chance of learning the art wrongly which is worse than being unknown about the art. Choose classes and Gurus who have fewer students so that you will get option to get concentrated by the guru on your posses and styles.

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Another important thing to be noted is the awareness of Guru about your physical strength and weakness. This must be negotiated with the guru himself before starting the classes. If a student has back pain or injuries in knees or any part of the body, then the guru will not allow him to practice certain posses which may affect them more. This is possible only if the Guru is aware of what your physical position is. People who don’t have an idea of what is the physical position of their students, cannot teach Yoga. While choosing a Guru, you can also go for personal enquiries and other aspects.

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