Thursday 2 July 2015

Lose Your Weight on Yoga Mat

The major problem faced by people all around the world is obesity. It is very simple to say that you have extra weight. But the effect it has on humans is really dangerous. Obesity is the main reason for almost all heart related diseases and joint diseases. Over weight will let your body immobile and thus your body will become inflexible. This is a scenario which will end up in pains in the joints and slow blood circulation in body. Lower the rate of blood circulation, lower the rate of metabolism and it brings effects in series. People all around the world want to maintain a right proportion of fat in their body.
Yoga is a best way to have a balanced weight in your body. Practicing Yoga daily will help you to tone your body and will bring you results in a very short period. Some of the best Yoga posses for weight loss are listed below.

What are the best yoga posses for weight loss?
There are different Yoga posses which will benefit you with weight loss. They are:

   1.     Ardha chandraasana
(Pic courtesy:
This is a pose which will help you in toning your buttocks, thighs and sides of your tummy. The stretches you do at the side of your tummy will really help you out in burning out the calories and fat settled at that region and thus will give a right structure to the tummy. But make sure that you don’t have any digestive issues, spine problem and high blood pressure. It is better to avoid this pose if you have any of these issues.

   2.     Veerabadhrasana 1
(Pic courtesy:
This is an asana that helps you to stretch your stomach, tummy region, thighs, buttocks and the pose will not just stretch them but also tightens them. People who have high fat at these regions can try this pose daily to get best results.

   3.     Veerabadhrasana 2
(Pic courtesy: Wikipedia)

This asana will benefit same as Veerabadhrasana 1, but also concentrates on the abdominal region. It will strengthen the region and will have a good effect on weight loss. But make sure that you are practicing the asana under guidance. Mistakes done in this asana will bring worst effects.

   4.     Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
(Pic courtesy:
In this pose, the person will be asked to pose like a chair. This pose will let the person to balance well and hence will tighten the thighs and buttocks. But people who have a back bone problem and knee injury must have to avoid this asana. Because; if you do the asana with back pain; then the pain will be increased due to balancing.

   5.     Vrikshasana
(Pic courtesy:
This asana is great for your arms and abdominal region. But this asana should be avoided if you have injuries in your knee and back. This asana will increase blood flow in these regions and hence injuries there will bleed more.

All these Yoga posses must be learnt well from a guide and then have to be performed. Doing Yoga posses wrongly will affect you with severe problems sometimes. 

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