Wednesday, 1 July 2015

5 Undeniable Benefits of Padmasana

Yoga’s appeal and popularity has increased over the years and more and more people are practicing Yoga on a daily basis. This ancient Indian practice has many takers and the benefits of Yoga have made it one of the most sought after workout option. One of the obvious benefits of Yoga is the fact that Yoga can be practiced by people of all age groups and is safer than other workout routines. There is no point in spending hundreds and thousands on gym memberships when you can benefit from the simple art of Yoga.

There are innumerable poses and postures in Yoga and mastering every one of them take time and an extreme level of concentration. But unlike rigorous and strenuous exercise routine, yoga is easier to learn and people adapt to the different aspects of Yoga easily. It can be practiced in a group or alone, wither way Yoga is bound to make you feel more strong and healthy within the first couple of weeks. 

Mastering the different poses is not easy since you require stability and flexibility for that. Our body tends to get really stiff and rigid due to lack of physical exercise, but regular practice of Yoga can bring a positive change. One of the most beneficial asana is Padmasana, also known as the Lotus pose. Although Padmasana might seem like a really easy pose to do, the proper manifestation of the asana is important. The back posture and the placement of the hands and legs should be proper for it to benefit you. This simple asana has many benefits which is why it is one of the most practiced pose. 
Let us look at some of the most basic benefits of the Lotus pose.

Benefits of Padmasana

(Pic courtesy: Wikipedia)

·       Good for your spine
The foremost benefit of Padmasana is the effect it has on your spine and your posture. Most people with a strenuous desk job have crooked and bent postures due to the constant sitting. Lack of movement and flexibility can damage our posture to a great extent. It is said that if you practice Padmasana until late pregnancy, it helps in easing childbirth. It relieves the sciatica pain and improves our posture.

·       Deal with menstrual discomforts
Women will definitely appreciate this benefit. Every month women have to deal with many problems of menstruation, from irregular flow to cramps. These couple of days until the m3enustration has stopped can be extremely discomforting and painful. Sitting in Padmasana helps ease this discomfort and pain that women go through every month. The pose helps in better blood circulation and eases pain in the lower part of the body.

·       Combat joint pains and discomfort
Joint pains are not something that only old folks suffer from. Today joint aches are quite common even among the younger folk due to bad posture and lack of exercise. The lotus pose helps in easing joint pains and help attain more flexibility. The pose is good for your pelvis, hips and other joints. Since this is a beginner’s pose, it’s easy to learn it.

·       Helps you relax and calms your mind
Padmasana is very relaxing and has a calming effect on your mind and body. If you are dealing with innumerable stress, this is the pose for you. Many people practice the Lotus pose to attain mental peace and to relieve stress. If you feel nervous or stressed, sitting in Padmasana can instantly soothe your frayed nerves.

·       Helps boost appetite
Padmasana benefits those who have trouble eating or digesting their food. The Lotus pose is known to improve your digestion and increase one’s appetite. Regular practice of the pose can help in increasing hunger and dealing with problems like gas and constipation.

These are some of the undeniable benefits of Padmasana. Although it’s fairly simple compared to other poses, it has many benefits. 

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